We live in a time where God is optional, the concept of His Being is relative and the truth of Who He is has been diluted. Over time, culture, theory and ideologies have been preferred over the truth of God’s word, and I am referring to the Church of today.

I understand very well that the spirit of this age has forged a pseudo solution to our problems by giving us religion. A strong presence that looks like God but isn’t. A system that allows us to choose the side of God we want to see, experience and worship, all the while feeling satisfied that we have the light and the world is in darkness.

Sometimes, I find myself holding back sharing my experiences with God because it does not fit in the above-mentioned culture, theory or ideology. There is this fear of being labelled a weirdo or a radical and underneath all that, the vulnerability that comes with exposure. This has been a struggle for me in the past, it is one that crippled my obedience as well.

But, one thing I have truly come to identify with and own in these last few months of silence is that I am not of this culture and age with all its theories and ideologies. I do not belong to it and I do not expect to be understood or be accepted by it.

Jesus was never concerned about the culture, theories or ideologies of His time. In fact, His appearance brought a shift to all these things. I am patterned after my Master, He is my example. He was radical, often misunderstood and very controversial to many, but this never stopped Him from being Who He is, The Son of God. He never diluted His message to please the masses. Even to the point of death.

When we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, we all sign up for a journey, it begins with surrender, but it is a lifelong process of becoming all of Who Christ is. It means abandoning the safe and shallow waters to launch out into the deep, it means stepping out of the boat to walk on water, whatever that means to you.

So, on April 13, 2018, I decided to do just that, I left my fulltime job of over five (5) years as a law clerk in my father’s law firm and I took a break from pursuing my legal studies. This means though I have a law degree, I am not yet licenced as a lawyer. Where was I going……. I did not know, but one thing I did know, this was by far, the scariest thing I have ever done.

Why did I do it? Simply because God told me to. In these times, there is enough of the safe and shallow walk to go around, but as for me and this walk, it will be radical, just like Jesus, that, is the only way to live, even to the death.

If Abraham left, I believed that I could too, it was time to start walking on water.